


Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 10AM - 5PM

How to become better at public speaking

5-10-2018 “Public speaking is number one fear even before the fear of death.” There cannot be enough emphasise on the fear of public speaking than the above quote. Hence, I …

Eventually it happens…

8-09-2018 Eventually it will happen…. As it’s said, love cannot be hidden. You can hide, you can run away, but when it’s deep inside your heart, coursing through your veins, …

Divorce amongst friends not foes

10-10-2016 Divorce does not happen between a good and a bad person as it is generally perceived, it rather happens between two incompatible people, otherwise compatible with the entire world. I …

Interview process or technical test

3-08-2016 Library shelves are full of books which talk about HOW TO HIRE the Right candidate and not the best candidate for your Organisation. Why one should go in for …

Easy language over slang

29-07-2016 I often see some friends, business leaders or those aspiring to be one of them, using quite a good vocabulary while writing emails or articles or in seminars. At times, the content …