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Mon - Fri: 10AM - 5PM


Self-doubt is like common cold…comes with season change to lot many of us…. 🙂 🙂 …. So keep it for reference and remember me in your prayers.

When life throws a challenge at you, don’t be disheartened or bitter, instead, thank God for the opportunity. For he has considered you strong and worthy of copying with the challenge that has come your way. In time, you will see how challenges and problems of life help you break your own barriers. You’ll increase your capacities and gear up with all your potential and energy, to come out as renewed personality.

Most people have set patterns of reactions at certain kinds of events. For example, when we are faced with problems, we instantly stress out, get anxious and start blaming our luck. It clouds our better judgment and saps our energy to think clearly.

Once I was at the airport waiting for my flight and last minute my flight got cancelled due to bad weather. A lot of people around me were agitated and got into arguments with the airline personnel. I saw a girl crying bitterly on phone and complaining about her ill fate and how such things only happen to her. I meekly smiled that all passengers are ill fated then, she can’t get exclusivity here. Jokes apart, I felt sorry for her. All I could think in that moment was “Thank God the airline people figured out that it was unsafe to fly”. What if they realized it when we were mid-air?

You will realize your true potential once you are above the challenge. You will see a fighter, a wise and more matured person in you. Instead of seeking a comfortable and protected life, look for new challenges and opportunities, push your capacities and ask more from the universe. You are a lot stronger and capable than you give yourself credit for. Don’t look at yourself from other people’s perspective. They may think less of you, but you never ever limit your potential. 

Unravel your inner fire, enjoy the mystery that you are and face the world with an attitude of a warrior. Tell yourself, once faced with a challenge, I are a true superwoman who has to inspire millions more.

Aaaaal is well Anu, you will get over it. And don’t forget God loves you a lottt!!

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