Can you introduce yourself without talking about your job or business? I couldn’t till some time back :).
As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Its the not the Destination, It’s the journey.” We all heard it many times and understand what it means. Yesss…..It’s all about the JOURNEY and not just the destination yet we are so eager and restless to reach the destination that we forget to enjoy our beautiful journey.
So is the case of our CAREER. We are so desperate to prove our caliber and buy our dream cars, that we forget to live a healthy life in parallel. We work like bonkers, compromise our family time, fall sick and catch various diseases like Blood pressures and what not, due to the stress and life style changes our jobs demand. AND….by the time we earn a great lifestyle, our kids are used to that comfort and not ready to leave the nest. We spoil them and they dont see the need or have courage to make that money, or they find a different path and refuse to carry forward the legacy, the age old business.
So, can I safely say that we could have managed pretty well even with some lesser bucks…My point, what do you say?
I wish we live a more awakened life and enjoy an amazing long career with enough time to enjoy and appreciate the early morning chirping of birds, the warm sun at noon, star gazing at night. Time to climb our majestic mountains, take breaks to feel the snowfalls, enjoy a drive with a loved one, welcome a stray dog or cat’s visit to our place, try a random talk with a beggar or a person lying on footpath motivating him to work. A drink at a local bar with a friend, shaking a leg and then high fiving your bartender for that extra olive…..I wish we savored those moments. My heart goes out for people missing out on these life fulfilling moments, as I did some time back.
Can we live a conscious life by identifying our buzz moments and recreating them with some efforts? I learnt it and have taken a certification to coach people as a Lifeskill coach. Would be happy to take any queries and try to help you