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What helps people propel or bounce back?

Most of the big decisions we take in life such as starting a new business, moving out of a long relationship or leaving a comfortable job, it is always after a long abuse of the relation or a dissatisfying job. This is the time when we decide to do something for ourselves, the time when we actually take the approach of thinking about ourselves before thinking about anybody else.

I get encouraged to write about it based on my own experiences. I was satisfied in a cozy job, a flattering title, a huge pay check and my comfort zone. But there was something that always made me feel that I was being pulled away from what I really want to do for myself. The inner voice knocks every now and then, but it is up to us when we actually hear it. The time we have to pull back the trigger and dive in the right direction for maximum impact.

I am sure you have heard the quotes, 

“There is always light at the end of the tunnel” or “Every cloud has a silver lining.”

When you are stepping out of a 15 year old high-profile job or you lost a marriage, you don’t want to hear this kind of inspirational shit.

It’s the time we are getting launched into an all-new life, an unexplored territory, in the hopes of a better future. We get the opportunity to unearth the real potential we have buried inside us.

Remember the time when our parents used to give us a 7 o’clock curfew, to be home from our evening games and friend’s time? It was their pull that actually rebelled us to stay a little longer and steal that time from our parents, to do what we really loved to do.

Who loves to appear for exams? But remember the last few minutes of our examinations when the teachers pulled our answer sheets and we wanted a few more minutes to write. There was a sense of achievement in getting those five extra minutes.

As kids, we enjoyed taking swings in the playground. Do you remember that one friend who used to pull the swing back for us to give a momentum?

That is exactly what this pull back in life does to all of us. It sets the momentum for us and helps us fulfill our dreams and live the life we love.

It helps us break our barriers and launch ourselves into the world. We break the self-imposed shackles and come out of our shell or our comfort zones. 

Pull back won’t give you instant happiness. You will take a step forward and fall into doubt trap. You will think about what you have left behind and if the struggle is worth it. This is when the fear of unknown is holding you back.

Open your doors and windows, take down the curtains hung by fear and comfort. You were made to achieve bigger goals in life. So let’s not be afraid of life pulling us back, let’s look forward to take advantage of this opportunity and steal the show by coming out with flying colors and doing what we love to do.

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