


Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 10AM - 5PM


Our Vedas clearly state the importance of waking up early, before six in the morning. Getting up early gives us a lot of personal time and lets us reflect on the thoughts and ideas that we generally just pass in the routine humdrum of our lives. 

Think of the best system that runs smoothly in front of us, yet we never notice or try to dissect the reason for its success. It’s our Home. Most of us are lucky enough to see our mothers waking up early in the morning and by the time we get up and get ready to leave the house for work or college, most of their work is already taken care of. 

How do they manage everything? From keeping the house clean, cooking and serving timely breakfast as per everyone’s schedule and preferences; even packing the day’s meal for us. Of course, they get up early. There are many such successful examples evident of proving the merits of getting up early. 

We have heard and read this like a 1000-times and have seen a lot of people following it too. I have heard it many times in motivational videoson YouTube or how to be successfulpodcasts, or 20 tips for being successful or 2 tips– Waking up early always remained on top. 

We need to ensure a personal hour for ourselves. It is one single Mantra of pampering our body, mind and soul. Imagine an hour added to your routine where you are all by yourself. Nobody is expecting you to do something they want and you can be totally yourself and not be judged during that one hour. 

You can read, right, draw, hear music, do exercise, meditate, pray, appreciate the beauty of nature, the chirpy birds busy gathering their food. This slow morning generates a huge amount of energy and gratitude for life. 

In nutshell, this energy generation hour shall keep us going for the entire day. 

All opinions and ideas in the above article are by my personal experience and are written with the sole purpose of sharing knowledge and serving the community.

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